Policies, ADA, and the Committee on Accessible Transportation



The Committee on Accessible Transportation


ADA information

TriMet ADA Title II Policy Statement

The Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II, states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in programs, services or activities sponsored by a public entity.” At TriMet, we are committed to complying with the requirements of Title II of the ADA in all of its programs, services, benefits, and activities.

Submitting a Title II Grievance

All grievances concerning discrimination in provision or accessibility of TriMet programs, services, benefits or activities, or about a response to a request for accommodation or modification of programs, services, benefits or activities, should be submitted to TriMet. A formal grievance may be submitted by any of the following methods:

  • Phone: 503-962-4815
  • Email: adaofficer@trimet.org
  • Mail: TriMet
    ADA Officer
    101 SW Main St., Suite 700
    Portland, OR 97204

The grievance should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than sixty (60) days following the actions upon which it is based. The grievance must describe the facts, including, if applicable, the date, time and location of the actions that are the subject of the grievance, and must state the requested remedy. Persons submitting grievances must include their name, address, telephone number and an email address, if one is available.

Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the grievance, the ADA Compliance Officer, or his/her designee, shall meet with the person making the grievance to discuss the grievance, gather additional information and identify possible resolutions. Within twenty-one (21) calendar days following the meeting, the ADA Compliance Officer or designee shall respond to the grievance in written or other accessible format. The response shall explain TriMet’s conclusions regarding the allocations made by the person who made the grievance and, if appropriate, suggest options for resolving the grievance.

Review of Grievance Request

The person making the grievance may request review of the grievance if she/he is dissatisfied with the ADA Compliance Officer’s response or proposed resolutions. Review requests must be made within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the ADA Compliance Officer’s response and may be submitted by any of the following methods:

  • Phone: 503-962-4831
  • Fax: 503-962-6451
  • Mail: TriMet Office of the General Manager
    Attn: ADA Grievance Review Request
    101 SW Main St., Suite 700
    Portland, OR 97204

Within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of the review request, the General Manager, or his/her designee, shall either respond to the grievance in written or other accessible format or will contact the person making the grievance to obtain any necessary additional information. If additional information from the person who made the grievance is requested, the General Manager or designee shall provide a response to the grievance within seven (7) days following receipt of the additional information.

All grievances and grievance review requests submitted to the ADA Compliance Officer in written, electronic or recorded format, as well as responses thereto, will be retained by TriMet for at least (5) five years.

Appendix B: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1965
Title VI Non-Discrimination Policy

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act requires that “No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Furthermore, TriMet LIFT has adopted policies that promote equal access and quality service to all our customers. TriMet LIFT does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to its programs, services, or activities; in treatment of individuals with disabilities; or in any aspect of LIFT operations.

If you have reason to believe that a customer may need auxiliary aids and services to access a LIFT program, service, or activity, advise the person that such assistance will be provided when appropriate and will be free of charge.

This offer and advice must also be made when a customer, due to a visual, hearing or speech impairment, requests an auxiliary aid or service for self (or on behalf of any other qualified individual) in seeking access to LIFT services.

TriMet is committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI in all of its federally funded programs and activities. To request additional information on our Title VI nondiscrimination requirements, call us at 503-238-7433 (TTY 7-1-1) or send us an email at administration@trimet.org.