Interstate Transit Project
Opened on May 1, 2004, the fourth MAX line connects North Portland to Downtown Portland.
MAX Yellow Line
Expo Center/City Center
- Opened: May 1, 2004
- Length: 5.8 miles
- Stations: 10
- Construction: November 2000–May 2004
- Cost: $350 million

- Connects North and Northeast Portland with Portland City Center and the rest of the MAX light rail system
- Built in partnership with the City of Portland, the Portland Development Commission (PDC), Metro, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the communities of North and Northeast Portland
- Funded by the Federal Transit Administration (74%), regional transportation funds (11%), TriMet capital funds (7%) and urban renewal funds (8%): No additional property taxes needed
- Completed ahead of schedule and millions under budget
- A national model for environmentally friendly construction practices and community involvement
- Set new standards in participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms
- Enhanced neighborhoods in North Portland with new sidewalks, trees, art, paved roads, bike lanes and bike lockers
- Catalyst for more than 50 new businesses opening along the line during construction
- Yellow Line ridership has exceeded ridership on the former bus line serving Interstate Avenue